Claim the Life Coach 3-Day Copywriting Toolkit NOW So You Can Attract More Clients, Reach More Hearts, and Change More Lives - Including Yours...

Sales Page MasterScript... (Value $197)

Email Success Sequence... (Value $197)

Facebook Ads ProPack... (Value $197)

Target Audience Cheat Sheet… (Value $67)

Power Word Arsenal... (Value $67)

BONUS #1: A-Z Roadmap Program… (Value $197)

BONUS #2: Irresistible Offer Blueprint… (Value $297)

BONUS #3: Easy-to-Follow Action Plan... (Value $97)

BONUS #4: Guiding Hand Support... (Priceless)

BONUS #5: Inside the Consumer Mind... (Value $197)

Total Value: $1,513

Today Just $47!

(for a limited time)

Complete your order now to receive an email within minutes, giving you instant access to the toolkit. Your invoice will be emailed to you directly from ThriveCart.

Here's Why Copywriting Is a Must-Have Skill:

"Creating a great product didn't make me rich. Building an amazing funnel didn't make me rich. Driving traffic didn't make me rich. Building a list didn't make me rich. Until I learned how to write good copy, none of those things mattered because the products I tried to sell didn't sell.

The traffic I tried to drive didn't convert. The funnels I built didn't persuade people to buy what I was selling. Copywriting is what made me rich. It's a great amplifier. It has more impact on how much money you make with your company than anything else"

Russell Brunson, Co-Founder of ClickFunnels

CopyMagnets is a new business, so I'm testing my offers. Right now, you can get the toolkit for a one-time $47 limited-time offer. Make sure to secure your toolkit while it's still in the testing phase as the price is guaranteed to increase once this period ends!